What does the expression curb appeal mean?

Exterior appeal is the appeal of the exterior of a residential or commercial property, as seen from the street. The term was used extensively in the United States during the housing boom and is still used as an indicator of a property's initial attractiveness to potential buyers. Exterior appeal is the appeal of the exterior of a residential or commercial property. We've all seen those 1950s-style doors with a small row of windows at the top that spoiled the curb appeal of a classic Cape Cod bungalow or clapboard house.

The visual appeal of a home, business establishment, or other real estate property when initially seen by a prospective buyer or other person standing in front of the property on the sidewalk. Exterior appeal can be achieved by several methods, including installing exterior decorations, repainting, and extensive attention to landscaping. Outdoor terraces also add excellent value, because they not only expand the living space, but they also improve the curb appeal of your home. Several television programs have been created to explore ways in which building owners and contractors can increase the curb appeal of their properties for a more profitable sale.

Suzanne Richards
Suzanne Richards

Infuriatingly humble sushi aficionado. Unapologetic music expert. Professional analyst. General zombie ninja. Hardcore bacon advocate. Subtly charming internet guru.